Parkinson's Disease
Resource Center

Welcome to your GO TO Resource for Parkinson's Disease in Alabama

You will find information for anyone that suspects they may have Parkinson's that is seeking a potential diagnosis as well as resources for those newly diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, including:
Early signs that indicate a potential Parkinson's disease diagnosis
How to find the right medical specialists to diagnose and manage Parkinson's
What to do to prepare for your first medical appointment
PD 101: An overview of Parkinson's disease including contributing factors, common symptoms, treatment overviews, and potential clinical trials
Guidance for building your care team
Knowledge for how to connect with a care navigator once you have been diagnosed.

Find information about exercise, medications, surgery options, and common therapies used to treat Parkinson's disease. The information found on this site is never meant to replace the relationship or medical guidance discussed between you and your medical professionals.
The PAA wants to best equip you for having conversations with your medical team based on the potential options available to you so that you can best advocate for your own care.
Additionally, we expand on many non-medical, research-based, and proven therapies and exercises that help you live your best life with Parkinson's.

We address a wide variety of topics and common questions related to Parkinson's while providing solutions, tips, and resources to live well with Parkinson's on a variety of interests, including:
Hospital and Home Safety
Advanced and Long-Term Care Planning
Working with PD
Discerning Where to Age in Place
Tips for Making Daily Activities Easier
Products and Solutions for Better Symptom Management
and Much More!
We hope you will find this to be a GO TO Resource as you happen upon these instances while living your best life with Parkinson's.

The previous sections on this website are written specifically to the person diagnosed and living with Parkinson's, and we encourage you as a care partner to educate yourself on those topics as well. In this section, we speak directly to care partners. We provide tips and education for staying organized, building care plans and offering a Quick Tips section as you enter new phases of advanced care with your loved one. We also stress the importance of self-care, respite, and coping strategies as you care for your loved one with Parkinson's. Whether you are a primary care partner, or supporting the primary care partner through secondary care - this portion of the site is for you.

We have worked hard to cultivate potential resources you will need throughout your journey living with or caring for someone with PD. In this section, we provide directories that have either been self-cultivated, or link to the organization that provides the latest and greatest updates in Alabama. From listings of Alabama Neurologist's, Movement Disorder Specialists and Big Therapists, to Support and Movement Groups -- as well as webinars, blog posts, podcasts, and recommended publications, our resources section works to keep you in the know.

This site provides valuable content to help you navigate you or your loved one's Parkinson's diagnosis in the State of Alabama. Our goal at the PAA is to be the extended educational arm you need for resources that complement your personal medical journey with your doctors. The information found on this site is never a replacement for the guidance and counsel that can be received from a medical, financial, or legal professional. Our goal is to simply equip you with an easy-to-navigate way to best understand Parkinson's so that you and your loved ones can best advocate for your care and live your best quality life with Parkinson's. At the PAA, our goal is to be your GO TO Resource for everything related to Parkinson's across the state of Alabama.