Parkinson's Disease
Resource Center

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Alabama Area Aging Agencies
The Older Americans Act of 1965 laid the foundation for the development of services that make it easier for older persons to live independently in their own homes and communities. The Act established a national aging network designed to respond to the needs of older adults. This network includes the U.S. Administration on Aging, State Units on Aging and more than 650 Area Agencies on Aging in the United States.
Alabama Area Agencies on Aging are organized by region. Each of these agencies adopt and provide federal and state aging services, as well as additional programming within each unique community. Below are some of the shared programs amongst Alabama's regions.
Housed within each Alabama Aging Agency is an Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC). This is the first place to go with aging, disability and care partner questions. This program, known as One Door Alabama, provides free information, counseling, and access to programs and services provided by the Alabama Department of Senior Services, state agencies, and federal programs.
During normal business hours, each ADRC will:
Have a live person answer the phone
Screen for programs and services
Assist with application processes
Answer questions
Refer applicants to other agencies
Follow-up as needed
Some services available through One Door Alabama are:
Crisis support
Food assistance
Legal assistance
In-Home services
Senior employment
Elder abuse prevention
Long=term care advocacy
Caregiver support services
Prescription drug assistance
Medicare and Medicaid Counseling
Alabama CARES
Care partners play a vital role in caring for someone with Parkinson's. Alabama CARES provides support services to help families sustain efforts in caring for their loved one. The services provided by the Alabama CARES program do not replace the role of the care partners, but enhance their ability to provide informal care for as long as appropriate. Care partners have unique needs and preferences for the types of services they wish to receive.
A person's income will not prevent them from receiving services. However, care partners with the greatest social and economic needs are considered when prioritizing appropriateness for direct services. Access to these services are for:
Primary family care partners of frail, older adults age 60 or older
Older relative care partners (not parents), including grandparents age 55 or older, caring for children ages 18 and younger with or without disabilities
Older relative care partners and parents, including grandparents age 55 and older, caring for adults age 19-59 with disabilities.
Contact your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at 1.800.AGE.LINE (1.800.243.5463) or visit: to learn more. A listing of Area Agencies on Aging in Alabama are listed below.
Listings of Area Aging Agencies in Alabama
The Area Agency on Aging of East Alabama Regional Planning & Development Commission (EARPDC)
P.O. Box 2186
1130 Quintard Avenue, Suite 300
Anniston, AL 36202
Office of Senior Citizens Services (OSCS) United Way
2601 Highland Avenue
Birmingham, AL 35205
The Area Agency on Aging of Alabama Tombigbee Regional Commission (ATRC)
107 Broad Street
Camden, AL 36726
The Area Agency on Aging of North Central Alabama Regional Council of Governments (NARCOG)
Post Office Box C
216 Jackson Street
Decatur, AL 35662
Southern Alabama Regional Council on Aging
1075 South Brannon Stand Road
Dothan, AL 36305
The Area Agency on Aging of Top Alabama Regional Council of Governments (TARCOG)
5075 Research Dr. NW
Huntsville, AL 35805
Middle Alabama
Middle Alabama Area Agency on Aging (M4A)
P.O. Drawer 90
Highway 25
Columbiana, AL 35051
The Area Agency on Aging of South Alabama Regional Planning Commission (SARPC)
P.O. Box 1655
110 Beauregard
Mobile, AL 36602
The Area Agency on Aging of South Central Alabama Development Commission (SCADC)
5900 Carmichael Place
Montgomery, AL 36117
Central Alabama Aging Consortium (CAAC)
818 South Perry Street, Suite 1
Montgomery, AL 36104
Muscle Shoals
The Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Alabama Council of Local Governments (NACOG)
PO Box 2603
103 Student Drive
Muscle Shoals, AL 35662
The Area Agency on Aging of West Alabama Regional Commission (WAPDC)
4200 Highway 69 North, Suite 1
Northport, AL 35476
The Area Agency on Aging of Lee-Russell Council of Governments (LRCOG)
2207 Gateway Drive
Opelika, AL 36801